A great joy for many who serve in pastoral ministry in our parishes is accompanying adults on their spiritual journey to become Catholic .
This year, nine Catechumens and seven Candidates from six parishes of the Diocese gathered with their sponsors at Sacred Heart Cathedral for the Rite of the Elect, thus beginning the final part of their faith journey through the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults.
These adults came to parish communities from all walks of life; they have different stories; they ask different questions and have different reasons for choosing to become Catholic, yet they all share a strong desire to be in full Communion with God.
These sixteen adults have spent time immersed in their parish communities and, with the support and guidance of their parish community, have embarked on a period of spiritual growth underpinned by a process called the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA). This catechumenal journey gives time for enquirers to gradually grow in faith within their parish communities, and is marked by three major Liturgical Rites, each acknowledging the steps taken along the way to become full participants in the Church.
With the support and guidance of their sponsor, pastoral associate, or RCIA volunteers, and parish priest, these adults have been well prepared for each of these Rites, each of which is followed by a period of maturing faith. The RCIA process includes the following three stages:
Period of Inquiry followed by the Rite of Acceptance or Rite of Welcome
This is a time for inquirers (adults who are curious about Catholicism) to meet with their parish priest and faith community, to ask questions about the RCIA Program, to be introduced to parish life and to foster initial conversion and hear a clear proclamation of the central message of the Good News of Jesus Christ and His Church. This stage takes as much time as is necessary and is followed by the Celebration of the Rite of Acceptance (for those who have not been baptised in a sanctioned Christian faith) and the Rite of Welcome (for those who have been baptised in Christian faiths such as the Anglican Church or Orthodox Churches).
Period of the Catechumenate followed by the Rite of Election or Rite of Calling to Conversion
This stage begins when a learner (formerly an inquirer) is accepted into the Order of Catechumens. At this point, those who have not been baptised in a sanctioned Christian faith are referred to as Catechumens (one who learns the Faith). Those who have been baptised in other Christian faiths such as Anglican or Orthodox are called Candidates.
This is a time for Catechumens and Candidates to deepen their faith within the living community of their parish by participating in parish life, through Catechesis based on the Liturgy of the Word, prayer and worship, and introduction to the apostolic life. During this period Catechumens and Candidates partake in minor Rites such as Blessings, Presentation of the Creed, and Presentation of the Lord’s Prayer.
This period is followed by the Rite of Election (for Catechumens) and Rite of Calling to Conversion (for Candidates). All Catechumens and Candidates, with their Sponsors and parish support teams, gather at the Cathedral where they are presented to the Bishop. Catechumens record their names in their parish Book of the Elect and, from this point on, are known as the ‘Elect’. Candidates record their names in the ‘Book of Welcome’ of their respective parishes.
Period of Purification and Enlightenment followed by the Sacraments of Christian Initiation or Sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist
This period, over the Season of Lent, includes time for spiritual reflection. In the Diocese of Sandhurst all RCIA Elect and Candidates will gather at a guided retreat on 17 March. This is an important opportunity for the Elect and Candidates to meet each other and share some of their spiritual journey with each other.
Celebration of the Word of God Scrutinies take place on the third, fourth, and fifth Sundays of Lent and the Elect and Candidates receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Other minor Rites include the Presentation of the Creed, Presentation of the Lord’s Prayer and preparation Rites for Holy Saturday.
This period is followed by the Celebration of the Sacraments of Christian Initiation for the Elect (Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation) and the Sacrament of Confirmation and Eucharist for Candidates.
Period of Mystagogy
A time for deepening of sacramental life, Eucharist, Reconciliation and ongoing formation. The Elect are now called Neophytes and Candidates are now called ‘Newly Confirmed’
Please pray for the Elect and Candidates over this Lenten season as they prepare for the final Rites of Intiation.